Sunday, November 10, 2013

Get a Grip

So, if you saw the last (er, the first...) post I made, first of all thank you for stopping by!
Second of all, I am experiencing some technical difficulties (AKA I really don't know what I'm doing and the last time I had anything resembling a blog, Xanga was cool - actually, MY Xanga is still cool ... but anyway...).

So my mission is to eventually - sooner than later - get a grip on this whole thing, which will include fixing the unfortunate layout situation that's going on with the photos!  It will also include things like adding: captions for the photos, more wedding photos and more of our engagement and proposal photos ... right now there are only 1 or 2.

EDIT: So why did I name this post "Get a Grip"? ... well, (besides the obvious reason) it's because I just so happen to be drinking this awesome tea by Republic of Tea called "Get A Grip" ... not to be confused with "Get it Together", which I frequently call it. Same difference though. I need all that: get a grip, get a life, get it together, get your life together... But anyway, you should try it (the tea) - it's delicious.

Oh yeah, and in other news, greetings from Thailand! Here, hello = saw-wad-dee!
Hopefully my husband will also get on here and help out a little! I guess I shouldn't throw him too far under the bus... it was my idea to do a blog (especially since we didn't have a wedding website).
Anywho, I guess I'll know he actually visited the blog if I hear from him about this haha...

I'll make sure to update with pictures from Thailand and other fun details!
Until next time ... saw-wad-dee (also means goodbye)!!!

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