Sunday, February 2, 2014

We're ALIVE!!!

We made it!!!! Through what, you ask? 
Well, the Snowpocalypse of 2014. On Tuesday, Diana was dismissed from work at 12 pm due to the impending doom, I mean, weather. Approximately one hour later, she came to the grim conclusion that her keys were very unfortunately situated inside of her locked car on the passenger seat. After another hour, the keys were retrieved, thanks to some very kind CDC employees who were skilled at that type of thing.   

After about 3 hours of "driving", Diana had made it a whopping 4 miles down the road and was finally getting on the highway just in time for her car to epically overheat. No big deal. She would just have to stick with it another 12 hours, nursing one water bottle and a random bag of sugar to keep energy up til she made it home. (Bad day to skip lunch)

Aubrey, on the other hand was in hero mode, rescuing damsels in distress who overestimated the ability of their cars/trucks/school busses to make it up a ginormous icy mountain of death. In the process, he became quite familiar with our neighboring apartment residents and proved to himself firsthand that it is, in fact, possible to get frostbite in Georgia, 3 days before playing soccer, wearing shorts and a T-shirt in 70 degree pseudo-summer weather. Who woulda thunk it... Georgia winters are always an adventure. 

Long story short: it was rough but we made it! 

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